Do You Settle When You Shop for Ladies Size 11 Shoes?

by | Apr 26, 2016 | Industrial Goods and Services

When you shop do you settle for ladies’ size 11 shoes? Do you have a problem finding shoes that you love? You may be dealing with a terrible phenomenon that affects women with large feet. When you are tall and gorgeous you have so many advantages, but one of those advantages is NOT having a large selection of shoes available. You may be suffering from the “just buy any pair of shoes” syndrome.  If you are suffering from this malady, you should know that there is help!

The Signs of Settling

Do you love your shoes? You should! Every woman deserves to feel like their shoes are an important style statement. Every woman regardless of their shoe size should look forward to wearing their shoes. If you are not going gaga over the latest pair of shoes you just bought, you may be suffering from “settling”.  Most women with large feet get used to not looking forward to going shoe shopping.  They look at shoe shopping as a mundane, necessary task that does not bring much excitement to their lives.  That is sad. No one should have to tolerate not feeling great about their shoes. You should feel fabulous about your footwear.

The Cure

You can get rid of the mundane shoe syndrome and fall in love with shoe shopping. You can retrain yourself to set the bar high when it comes to what shoes you will consider wearing. There are three steps that you will have to take to break free of the shoe doldrums:

1. Shop where they specialize in your size
2. Expect great things
3. Look for designers you love

The first thing you need to do to break your shoe rut is to shop at Crispins Shoes, because they specialize in large sizes. Look for designer shoes that you love. It may take a minute for all this to sink in, but you can choose amazing shoes from an amazing shop that specializes in your size!  You do not have to settle when you shop if you shop at the right place.  You have been doing it all wrong. Crispins believes that every woman should love her shoes and should feel excited about shopping for great shoes for every occasion.  Shake off the blahs and shops for footwear in a range of fashionable styles.

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