An Overview of What Happens During Asbestos Surveys Bradford

by | Sep 3, 2015 | Construction and Maintenance

Have you heard about the danger of asbestos? This building material was used for the construction of many structures from the 1950s-1980s. Banned in 1999, it still exists in buildings around the world, putting millions of people at risk of mesothelioma, as well as many other health issues. In fact, 20 tradesmen in the UK are killed due to asbestos-related illness each week. The key to staying safe is to organise regular inspections in the form of asbestos surveys in Bradford. Laws and regulations have been put into place to ensure businesses everywhere are not putting their customers and employees at risk, which is why you should discover the facts about these surveys.

Where Can Asbestos Be Found?

Any buildings that were constructed between the 1950s and 1980s will have been built with a material called asbestos – dangerous fibres that can pose a big risk to health. Schools, commercial properties, residential premises and derelict warehouses are just a few examples of the places in which asbestos can be found to this day. With asbestos surveys in Bradford you can be sure that you are not the residing or working in a contaminated area. Click here to get more details.

The Asbestos Survey Process

Before asbestos can be safely removed from a premises, asbestos surveys in Bradford will need to be carried out. A licensed professional will consider demolition of renovation procedures if need be but typically, a licensed asbestos removalist will manage an asbestos incident according to health and safety standards. The process will be carried out in the following steps:

* The licensed asbestos contractor will inspect the property.
* Suspected contaminated materials will be taken for analysis.
* An entire asbestos removal procedure will commence if the materials are in fact asbestos.

Asbestos Related Diseases To Be Aware Of

To know whether or not you have been affected by asbestos you will first need to visit a doctor, who can then perform a thorough health examination and determine the severity of the issue, how much asbestos you were exposed to, how the disease can be dealt with, etc. The most common asbestos related disease include:

* Non malignant pleural disease
* Non malignant scarring of the long tissue (asbestosis)
* Asbestos related lung cancer
* Mesothelioma cancer that affects the lung lining

To reduce the chances of developing these diseases, request for asbestos surveys in Bradford to be conducted as soon as possible, so that removal can take place.

The team at ACS Health Safety and Environment are dedicated to providing quality asbestos surveys in Bradford to businesses. Visit them online to get an instant quote for these services.

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